Crappy title, dull post = A winning combo

I was just thinking ‘there appears to be a Deuce Bigalow film on my TV, yet I haven’t turned it over. I hate me,’ when my girlfriend asked for the remote and started looking for something else to watch. Now, I don’t believe in destiny or fate, but we were clearly meant to be together.

Oh, hang on, she’s put Sex and the City on. It really is a good job I don’t believe in fate*.

Anyway, I agreed – well, offered – to build a website for someone on Twitter today, and it’s exactly what I needed to stop me being an idiot and I started doing some work. I’ve been tempted on occasion to write a few updates on stuff I’ve been working on here, but a) I’m not sure it would be of any interest to anyone, and 2) it would probably only serve to show how little I actually get done.

What I really ought to do is write an entry as soon as possible, instead of signing in at 10pm and staring at the screen for an hour and a half, before eventually giving in and writing something dull about what I’m writing here. OhGodit’shappenedagain.

Okay. A plan:

  1. Finish this entry
  2. Poke the dog to stop her ridiculously loud snoring
  3. Finish the slideshow on the website I’m building
  4. Read a bit
  5. Bed

Sorted. Tomorrow I’ll write an entry before I start work and it’ll be better than this drivel. Easy.

* She reads this on occasion, so I should clarify that this is a joke and should in no way be taken seriously. Please don’t hurt me.

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